Undefined Method Error with evil-winrm? No snakecase method, how can I fix this?

I’m doing Responder from Starting Point but evil-winrm keeps quitting when I try to connect to the machine.

This error happens at least after reaching out to the host, because I get the normal unreachable host error before the snakecase error can happen, when I try to connect to an IP that isn’t what I spawned.

I tried installing the facets gem because it looks like the snakecase function is in that but it made no difference since evil-winrm doesn’t import it.

How do I fix this error? I don’t think it has to do with remote path completion because the readline library doesn’t contain a snakecase method, and checking the latest Ruby version’s repository, nothing comes up for “snakecase”.

Notes: I have Ruby 3.0.2 from apt, and I’m on Linux Mint 21.3 with ubuntu codename jammy.


I had the same issue and found the culprit. It’s the nori package v2.7.1

gem install --user-install nori -v 2.7.0 && gem uninstall nori 
-> Select the 2.7.1

Happy hacking :slight_smile:

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This worked, thank you so much!