Hi, I’m new to HTB and successful captured fs0ciety. This was quite easy. But I did not find the mentioned user.txt on the Desktop or root.txt. Therefore, I’m not able to submit the required flag. Any idea what went wrong?
Thx, Atlan
That’s a challenge. I’ve done it a long time ago, but I’m guessing the flag is whatever you found when you cracked the challenge file. The format must be HTB{whatever you found}.
Thx, but I even tried this and got the following msg: Incorrect Flag Try harder!
Further ideas???
This is a challenge, there shouldnt be a user.txt or a root.txt or (IIRC for this one) even a desktop.
Once you finish decoding the text, you get the flag. You wrap it in up - eg: HTB{y0uR_fl4g_txt_goes_h4r3}
and submit it.
If you aren’t getting the points, the chances are you’ve got the wrong flag.
Thx to all, mistake was on my site! I did not read the text above the encrypted ssh. Decoding was the magic word. Was easy afterwards!
Nice one!
Type your comment> @TazWake said:
This is a challenge, there shouldnt be a user.txt or a root.txt or (IIRC for this one) even a desktop.
Once you finish decoding the text, you get the flag. You wrap it in up - eg:
and submit it.If you aren’t getting the points, the chances are you’ve got the wrong flag.
thx mate you made my day
was missing
" HTB{…} "