
Hi, having a mare here. Got the D’s details, cracked but of no use -seen this from here but not from trial and error anyway! Seen the “other directory”, read the conf and just don’t know what I’m missing. Any nudge gratefully received. Finding this difficult. PM if you can give me a hand. Cheers.

*Update: Ignore last, found it. Now what to do with it…

Great box @jkr. I learned a lot by watching what was going on in the /tmp directory. LOL. Just as soon as the box gets reset, everyone starts going to town. At one point I saw something that interested me, managed to get to user, but then the box reset. So then I needed to find it on my own, which I was happy for.

Then right when I was futzing with the script that we’re supposed to learn from, someone else at the same phase in their journey. They created a file, so I peaked inside it and new immediately what they were up do since I’d studied the other file so long.

Then I remembered that the ‘less’ you know, the more you can do and then boom! root. :slight_smile: I’d better take a break, though.

This is my third root in four days. Maybe just a little recon on a new box … :slight_smile:

Great box! User quite challenging. Root - pmsl

aarrggh… the last one got me. there are enough hints about what to do , but not as much about how they got there… hint… read the man pages, read the man pages, read the man pages… why do things man-ually when then can be done for you :wink:

Type your comment> @jpcweb said:


Easy/Fun box

User: It’s quite simple but could be confusing, John is always your friend, man is also your friend.
Root: Very simple. GTFO Bins

PM me if you are confused

i have got user now what to do for root …

Rooted!! Great Box.

Exactly. create a copy of the original script and play with it. leave the original as it is

Type your comment> @djbrains said:

Type your comment> @brianma said:

USER: read carefully the conf file that everybody talks about. You find a username and his home dir right? why is also something else? try to lay with them. they have any sort of relation. Later try to crack and crack. The first password you get cracking the hash is not ssh password or sudo password. it will be used later. First find more things to crack and later u will use that cracked hash. I recommend to see Chainsaw box from Ippsec YT video to understand what you need to crack.

root: just read the .sh file and read doc of the command that is being executed with sudo. Its output is important. Then use GTFOBins to get root. you may need to modify a bit the script to get what you want.

better leave the script untouched.
just copy the interesthing rule fromthe script to your command line and play with it.

@Kaelion said:
Type your comment> @Cli3nt said:

Need a hint for rooting please. I found the bin and read GTFO, but I don’t know how to put things together to get execution in root context.

I’m stuck in the same situation as you. Would also appreciate any help!

size does matter, less is more.
anoying, I know. but it is true.

Just got root - Interesting box… root took me longer than it should’ve, kicked myself when i realised what I had to do!

PM for hints :slight_smile:

Finally rooted… I was frustratingly close to solution for soo long time, but I didn’t follow through with my instincts. Well, it was a learning experience.

PM me for hints if you need a nudge!

Finally Rooted!
Thank you @gluonsrgreat for great help!
For my friends working on this machine
first shell: CVE (latest)
User: config file (the clue is in front of you)
Root: GTFOBins

Please DM me if you need help.

Rooted :slight_smile:
Little confused, while try to get root because of a little restriction there :slight_smile: But when I realized what needs to be done, got root quickly.
Thanks for the box! Have a lot of fun! :slight_smile:

Rooting tooting! Thanks @gluonsrgreat and @Dins89 , appreciate the assistance. Great box to learn on, thanks.

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Rooted finally! Thank you very much @N0rt0N for the help, if anyone is struggling then drop a message.

Rooted, nice box.
PM via discord if you need help.

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I really enjoyed this box, thanks to @jkr for its creation - the user was a lot of fun to get and the root reminded me of one of the Over the Wire challenges (I think it was Bandit but don’t quote me on that) that I’ve done before-- that’s where I learnt about this particular “thing” anyway.

Got user pretty easily, but root took a few days on and off (although should have been much easier). Thanks to @Dins89 for the tip.
My tip for root: Everyone goes on about ‘less’ but I didn’t need it, although the window needs to be the right size. GTFOBins is a little help. But, the most important thing, look at the command you’re trying to execute and mess with it…do you need it all? Maybe call a plumber to take something out…

Rooted thanks for @Heilla for warning that I was not on the good tracks
I didn’t used any shell copy, I did it directly from the terminal !

Should I ssh this box with no password ?