
Got my first ever user on this box =D

Type your comment> @Pr0m3th3u5 said:

Ok, this is going to sound crazy but ive been on this for 4 days. Gained a foothold but stuck trying to get user. Read every single response on this thread. Read the nd.c**f and the manual side by side. Went to /~d but dont get any auth option or anything. Can someone please put me out of my misery,PM or anything is acceptable!!! Lol thanks guys/gals

I am literally in the exact same spot. Brain going numbā€¦

Guys can someone pls help crack the d user credentials, I 've using john and hascat and still coulnt crack it , any hints please


nvm I am in as user, banging my head for Root!

Iā€™d love a nudge to get me closer to user. Iā€™ve managed to find the credentials for d and cracked them. I just donā€™t know where to use them. Iā€™ve looked at the c*** file as well as the man page for the service as Iā€™ve seen suggested. Am I missing something obvious?

I want spend some word of this machine, i am goint to write as reverse orderā€¦!

The only suggestion that i can give is, sometimes when you change the size of the shell somethings happens, otherwise no. All the other things there are in the topics.
For it was really difficult, i suggest, some times, when you havent a path to follow, try to follow the default path which you can go in front of view

When you increment you privilege and you want stop and take a tea, you havent escalate again, nice feature for the creator, even all reset :wink:

My first machine and root on HTB =D Thanks to everyone who dropped hints here, helped a lot :slight_smile:

Was stuck on root for tooooo long. Feel free to PM for a nudge. Size definatly matters ā€¦ GLGL

Rooted! I learned so much on this box! Massive shout out to @lblg for the final assist over the finish line! I am still digesting everything that I was exposed to. Very gratifying box!

Finally got root.

root@traverxec:~# id; hostname ; date
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Thu 05 Dec 2019 12:51:04 AM EST

Intial shell :- was easy with some tool.
User :- Leared new things. Hint for user will be something related Ramboā€¦John Rambo :smiley:
Root :- once you got user you will find some intering thing which will lead you toward root. gtfobins will be more helpful.

I have just got user on this box and I was laughing out loud when I realised that the solution was a lot simpler than the rabbit I got myself into.
If you are doing this box now and are deep into a whole, stop, rethink and make sure you covered your basics. :wink:

I have cracked the password file and found /~d**** but canā€™t figure out where to from there. I have also read the config file multiple times but i canā€™t see what to do next. Help would be Nice

Hey Guys! I rooted the box. But why sudo donā€™t ask for a password when running inside a script ??

Anyone who needs help PM :slight_smile:


Foothold: Well know exploit for this service

User: If you have rooted postman, you will know what to look for. If not. search directories for some interesting information that has been left behind. John will help you out with it.

Root: Why on earth would you throw shells in the bin ; )

hopefully that does not give too much away.

PM me for nudges


Tnx to @extincted for the nudges!

Nice machine, user is simple :slight_smile: root is embarrassing if you donā€™t overthink !

I got the initial foothold, found the n*o and cf, cracked the hash I found there. Have done searches for both hidden files and folders with no joy. As I found in the forums after testing, the cracked hash did not work for dd either through su or ssh. I got this far on my own so have learned a lot, but getting stuck now with something I am not familiar with.

Finally rooted!! Got a bit stuck but got some ā€œbrain untanglingā€ hints from @extincted that got me going! Thank you @extincted for the hints and @jkr for building the box!