Since introducing VIP labs over a year ago, the feedback has been excellent. Users found the ability to pay a small amount in order to have a smoother, quieter experience in the HTB labs, as well as being able to access retired machines a major boon. HTB has grown so much in the past year and a half, and as such the library of machines has grown to nearly 100. We said feedback has been excellent, but it’s not all been plain sailing. One hot topic for VIP users has been the inability to guarantee the machine they’d like to play is available after the next round of VIP machine voting. It’s obvious that something has to change.
With the above in mind, we’re excited to announce that in the near future, the structure of VIP labs will be changing. This change was driven by user feedback, and the obvious need to provide a much more flexible and enjoyable experience, which can respond timely to the needs of the users who pay for the VIP service. Here’s what believe the future of VIP will look like.
The machine rota for VIP labs will no longer be voted on - instead, members of each lab will have the ability to spawn any machine from the entire HTB library, regardless of age.
Each machine spawned by a user will expire and be removed from the lab 24 hours after it is spawned. Should the machine you want to play has already been spawned on the lab by another user, you will have the ability to extend its lifetime.
The price point for these labs will remain the same initially. Existing VIP users will retain their current subscription price for as long as they are subscribed. Following beta testing, we may need to adjust the resources assigned to this new style of labs, and as such, the price point may need to be adjusted accordingly.
This development is still in the early stages, however, we’re confident that we can deliver this revamped version of the VIP labs in good time. When we’re closer to having the feature ready to beta, we may reach out to you - the members of HTB - to hop on to this new lab type, and to give us your feedback.
Should you have any comments, concerns or feedback on this proposed change, please feel free to contact us at
This is great. I never liked the idea of being subjected to only 20 retired machines to play with. I wish we can add Bitcoin as a form of payment aside from credit card.
Fantastic idea! I’m subbing to VIP soon (just waiting for the green light from my girlfriend; she’s the boss with our money :lol:). And I’d be more than happy to pay a little extra for the above mentioned structure if need be. HTB really is the best! Thanks team.
Anyone that is currently subscribed will keep the same rate, regardless of whether you move on to the new lab structure, so long as you stay subscribed. New subscriptions will go on to the new pricing model, that is if there is a change in price. We need to crunch the numbers and see how the labs are used in the real world first before we can make a solid call on whether the pricing will change.
Great work guys…
It probably was a good idea to have 20 machines weekly, when the total was around 40-50, as most machines will be either active or retired…
However, now that the number is about to reach 100, it was a good initiative to start thinking about a different approach, as the likelihood of a retired machine being up will keep decreasing as the total grows.
I also wish if you would add PayPal payment for the monthly subscription.
The machine rota for VIP labs will no longer be voted on - instead, members of each lab will have the ability to spawn any machine from the entire HTB library, regardless of age.
Superb idea…i will try VIP,as soon as it is implemented.
Nice! This makes me want to get VIP now. I’ve been thinking about it but I really like the ability to work on any machine at any point. Especially when going through writeups.
@g0blin . I paid for vip, got access to EU and US server but most of the retired machines are not available to me. Even part of the 18 available for the week. Most retired machines are available on EU server 1-6 and US server 1. Please look into this as I paid for VIP just to play with all retired machines. The least you could do is give me access to all 20 retired machines for the week.
Hi @Malone5923, sorry to hear that you’re having issues with your VIP subscription. I’ve replied to your support request - we’ll work on getting this sorted for you.