Good evening all. I am just getting started with hackthebox and wanted to start with Chatterbox. When I scan, everything comes back filtered with nmap and only 53/tcp open with masscan. I tried this with other boxes and i get the same thing. I am sure that it must be a local issue but I am stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Are you able to ping it? Might need to try different types of scans, or enumerate it using other tools.
Able to ping it. It is just weird that 53 is the only open port i am getting on all the boxes. Didn’t know if this was a config error or if I am not looking hard enough.
You’ve scanned all the boxes? Something is in error, if that’s all you’re getting.
Seems to be working now. I’m sitting behind a crappy hotel wifi so that could have something to do with it. Thanks for the help.
Good luck, buddy!
@fergusond88 said:
Seems to be working now. I’m sitting behind a crappy hotel wifi so that could have something to do with it. Thanks for the help.
Could matter if you are using vm or not. My VirtualBox VM doesn’t work well with some wifis, just due to issues with how wireless architecture is.