Hi, I’m stuck in Attacking Lsass module.
I’m trying to dump the file, but there are only 2 files like below.
but in the tutorial image, there are 3 files under the Local Security Authority Process. The file starts with credential something is missing in my case. I assume this is the reason I keep failing pypykatz.
Can someone help me?
im in the same position rn
I had the same problem, I think it’s a dependency issue, but with PwnBox it works…
There are other methodes besides the mentioned way in the course. You can use
lsassy -u administrator -p administrator --users
to get the hash and crack it with hashcat.
I got the hash of the user Vendor and then i attempt to crack it. But i fail. Could you tell me which dic you use when you crack the password? I really need it. Thank you!