Password attacks "Passwd, Shadow & Opasswd"

If anyone has done this module stuck on password attacks module section " Passwd, Shadow & Opasswd"

question “Examine the target using the credentials from the user Will and find out the password of the root. Then, submit the password as the answer.”

I cant get any access to the shadow file which has the root hash. Anyone got a hint on how to complete this section?

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Still need help? Just finished this one today, it’s a right pain. make sure you’ve done the last task ok, login as Will, check for hidden files :eyes: in someone’s home directory… then look at how to get rid of shadows section (Y)


Yes I did finish this section still working on the very last hard assessment.

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Thank you very much !

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i cant crack unshadowed hash using hashcat - 1800 and rockyou.please give me some hint .should i need to change any output of unshaowed file

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Hi @paveenbablu don’t use rockyou.txt use HTB’s files from the resources tab - . I managed to find the answer, using these files, mutate the files and hashcat. Hope that helps. The questions are not very clear which files to use.


Thanks alot bro

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@cheekychimp did me a solid!


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I got the password and shadow files, transferred it to my kali machine and when I’m trying to unshadow them. I’m not getting the hashes. I don’t know what is wrong. Any help is much appreciated.

Update: Got the answer.

you’re da goat

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hashcat is not cracking the root hash I’m using the list from resources /mutated but hashcat is exhausted not finding the password

can u help me

what can I help you with?

Can anyone assist with this? I have the s** user creds?

there is a hidden backupfile in will home folder but everything else you need to do should be outlined in the section

hint: If you’re stuck, look for .something hidden in plain sight and use the provided resources like your mutated password.list from earlier in the module.

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Backups always a good Idear :wink:

I’m stuck here as well, how did you solve this problem?