Wpscan says no wordpress installation here on the TARGET machine →
the remote website is up, but does not seem to be running wordpress.the target machine has no wordpress installed.
Same with curl
curl -sS -X GET LOCALTARGETIP | grep generator
Nothing …
There are no signs of wordpress installation however
I see that there is this link to a http://blog.inlanefreight.local page in the source html, but this link is not resolving, so no wordpress installation there neither…
So far up until here i get no result from targeting the TARGET ( machine…
so i try to wpscan inlanefreight.com…
when i use wpscan on https://www.inlanefreight.com
I get version 5.6.2 and theme name as → ben_theme
But these are not the correct answers…Not accepted.
I have nmaped the Target, i see only 22 and 80 ports open!!
What am i missing here, Where is the wordpress installation ? There is no wordpress installation on the Target machine and www.inlanefreight.com wordpress version 5.6.2 is not the correct answer.
First, a caveat. I haven’t looked at this academy lab so I have no idea what the correct path is here.
In general, I’d be hesitant when it comes to launching any packets at what could be a legitimate website. Most resources on HTB use a .HTB or .LOCAL TLD to prevent any traffic accidentally hitting the internet. However, I do notice that the website you’ve mentioned seems… weird (the phone number is 1800 HTB 8888)
The version of WP on that public website does appear to be 5.6.2 but it’s worth noting that was only released in Feb 2021, so unless the lab is constantly updated, it is unlikely they planned ahead and put that as the answer.
Have you tried adding blog.inlanefreight.local and inlanefreight.local to your hosts file and visiting them to see if the header change makes a difference?
Try adding blog.inlanefreight.local to the hosts file. There isn’t a DNS on most HTB environments, so you need to be pretty specific with what hosts names you want to point to what IP addresses.
hey @lokey , any luck getting past that obstacle? I’m trying to get a foothold of anything wp-related on the target machine, but so far to no avail… on the other hand, there’s a whole forum on people discussing the later stages of the process, which would indicate there IS a way…
Oh man, this helped me too! Of course changing the ip with my machine address but i reached to the exactly same conclusion of the man who initiated the post. It actually funny and interesting like all the ways takes you to Rome xd