A sudo nmap (ip) outputs this
sudo nmap -p- says it will take about 4 hours to complete so I never completed it.
All 1000 scanned ports on 10.x.x.x are in ignored states.
Not shown: 1000 closed tcp ports (reset)
Is this normal?
Things that are working:
Can ping the boxes
Can ping the vpn gateway
Traceroute working
Things I have tried:
confirmed I am connected to the Starting point VPN
sudo killall openvpn and confirmed tun0 only
Switched servers from US to EU and back and forth
Tried the TCP vpn
External VPN on host cause I thought maybe my network got some issues
Cloudflare Warp
Ran out of VM on the host and still the same.
Switched to windows and ran a VB still the same.
Rebooted my router.