Sauna Writeup by Gunroot.

Hello fellow mates. I have made a detailed writeup for the Windows machine “Sauna”. I tried to explain a bit more than just a writeup. I always need your feedback as it will help me to improve my writeups in future. Thanks for your time.

Reading time : 9 mins.

Nice write up - great to see an inclusion of Kerberos and why this attack works.

Thank you mate for your time to read it up.

No worries - I am always impressed by people who take the time to create write ups, its genuinely good work. As I said, the additional educational details really add value as well.

It’s a good thing having a simple step by step route to root, but the extra details add a lot of value and turn it from a way to get a flag to a way to learn something useful.

Thanks for sharing.

interesting and very complete, specially the little part with mimikatz

Type your comment> @peek said:

interesting and very complete, specially the little part with mimikatz

Thanks for your appreciation.

A very nice writeup @gunroot :slight_smile:
I always enjoy when the writer explain the why as well without getting too technical and over-complicate things :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work.

Type your comment> @acidbat said:

A very nice writeup @gunroot :slight_smile:
I always enjoy when the writer explain the why as well without getting too technical and over-complicate things :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work.

Thank you @acidbat for your feedback. Much appreciated. :slight_smile: