Official Sightless Discussion

Official discussion thread for Sightless. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.


a pikachu with a surprised look on his face is standing in a field of flowers|833x468.3534136546185

Im ready for ya after last weeks box


VGltZSBmb3IgZnVu (Use base64)

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Good luck everyone!!! I won’t be around until late tonight or tomorrow, but I wish you luck and fun :black_flag: :computer: :keyboard:
Happy Hacking!


Hey, Listen, Peek-a-boo.

I know right!

glhf guys!

Uh, skill issues for me once again, LOL


I found an interesting subdomain, just not sure what to do or if it’s even the right path. No exploits online though.

I know what I’m suppose to do, I think, but I’m getting issues with a certain port and not sure if I’m executing properly.

AGH I had the connection and didnt realize it! LOOL

Hey, im getting connection refused errors on sqlpad all the time. what can i do to avoid that?

Not sure :slight_smile:

Your payload will need encoding.

I didnt need encoding

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got it

oh no

you got a ways to go buddy

I think I found the vuln but it seems to need user/pass(?).
Can someone give me nudge to get the user and pass (or else I get connection refuse)