Anyone care to do a sanity check on my “Awesomeness” script? The server reaches to the /META****/***“Factory” but my payload doesn’t get triggered…
Finally rooted.
Was very fun!
Got stuck in the beginning because I couldn’t get it to pop but eventually worked.
User was very easy
Root was great, if you read, you’ll get it.
Type your comment> @sicario1337 said:
Anyone care to do a sanity check on my “Awesomeness” script? The server reaches to the /META****/***“Factory” but my payload doesn’t get triggered…
If you are talking about what I think you are talking about, I had problems with that. It took me a while to get the reverse shell to work when the code ran. I just got a foothold last night.
Stuck on root. Any nudges please
ROOTED! i’ve learned a lot. kuddos to the creator
foothold was i bit easy. cause all you need is an RCE. but on the root it took me 2 days to get in to the root. thank for those people who keep me on track on the root part.
I found root!!! this was a fun box. It did not take long once I saw what I needed to exploit.
Rooted. I think it’s a fairly simple box.
Foothold: Ophiuchi? God knows what it is.
User: It’s really important to find yourself.
Root: Don’t rush. There’s always another, much simpler way.
I’m able to get the .*** file uploaded but I can’t get any code in it to execute. any nudges or hints would be appreciated.
Type your comment> @f0zy said:
I’m able to get the .*** file uploaded but I can’t get any code in it to execute. any nudges or hints would be appreciated.
Welcome to the club mate
Same here, got all pieces together but nothing is happening… once got a ping back and thats it… stopped working since
Any hints for the foothold ? I saw the ya** system, and my payload seems to be “interpreted” as my ht** server displayed some interesting things, but I always get an http 500 error.
Hi friends I have user account any" hint on root "
@Aquilino said:
Hi friends I have user account any hint on root
I already got it
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
i like machine
Completed it, thanks to @1z3n
If you need help send a PM.
Nice box, finally root, thanks to @IvanV for the final push across the finishing line!
Thank you to the box creator @felamos
For those that are stuck.
Don’t give up. When I started this box, I had little knowledge of the technologies at play. I literally googled everything.
Research what you see, you will find some good resources that will help you with RCE. If you get a 500 error, READ THE ERROR MESSAGE!
Standard enumeration of the box, you should know where to look for something interesting.
Look at what you can do and how you can lead something down a different path. You need to change 1 thing. Your location is important!
PM if you need a nudge. Good luck.
Finally made it. Root killed me for sure. My hint would be checking out a couple of different outputs for the w file. I had two different results, which ended up making all the difference. Thanks @jbob for the final push and @felamos for the box.
DM for nudges.
rooted. thanks @felamos for a fun box.
lots of good hints in the thread above. for the final step I would add that if you have the right tool, getting the strange file to do what you want isn’t too difficult.
PM if you need help.
Rooted !
Nice box, definitely easier to modify original file for root.
PM if needed
Hey, can anyone help me? Having trouble with my payload. Don’t want to leave any spoilers so if I can DM that’d be great.
Finally rooted. Thanks @felamos for the box! The amount of things I learned in this box is insane. Root was pretty hard for me, and capturing that flag was the most satisfying thing ever…
Google like your life depends on it. Take your sweet time to read all the way through the articles you find until things work.
Enumeration. That’s it. Don’t be like me, I literally saw what I needed to see and completely missed it. Wasted hours because of it…
Look for something nice. See what it does and where the things it uses are. Maybe try to see things differently and change some stuff. The place you are does matter .
Feel free to PM for nudges
Does anyone know why I can’t sumbit flag?