Official Love Discussion

@VSOP said:

Type your comment> @Jac0lius said:

@VSOP said:

it ran few line and show All Microsoft Updates and kicked my out of machinel when i execute it

Are you sure that it’s not just that your shell is unstable? I used the “non-obfuscated any” version of winpeas, if that is any help.

Yeah. i tried same version with you and also tried winPEAS.bat too but same issue. i used php reverse shell from Ivan Šincek. i dont know what happening

I just tested again and the shell I am using is the “mini” version from the same guy. Everything worked as should.

Getting stuck on the rev upload… When clicking update the site doesn’t respond, it just keeps loading until eventually a request time out occurs. I’ve reset the box and same problem. Any others experiencing this?

Bit tricky one, had to look into the forums and notice other players do one special thing in a subdir, to see why my ev**-***m didn’t allow me to do the privesc. Actually I still don’t understand why it’s like that, happy for explanation.

Type your comment> @netbanger said:

Getting stuck on the rev upload… When clicking update the site doesn’t respond, it just keeps loading until eventually a request time out occurs. I’ve reset the box and same problem. Any others experiencing this?

had 2 vpn instances running instead of 1. Worked immediately after I disconnected from the vpn that isn’t needed ■■■■

Okay, it just happened, I made a decision to ask some help on this box… I got the user flag as user… Now I need to do some privilege escalation. Windows boxes are not my thing (yet). That’s why I want to do this one.

While reading the posts in this thread, I get the idea I took a different path. So let me explain a bit.

I’ve performed a port scan and with those details I’ve decided to check the source code of the logon page. While using my Google-Fu skills I’ve found an S–I bypass which give me access as a-----n on the a-----n-page. Because it’s a Windows box using a particular development language I was thinking about uploading a rev— s—l and a n-.–e because of a known b—ss up---- exploit in this tool. Via this way I got the user P----e and the user flag. While enumerating the directories and files I’ve found the username and password for the user on the a-----n-page, but I don’t need them because of my earlier step… And another one for P----e… but not sure if I can reuse this one and if I need this on as I am this user.

Uploading winpeas.exe and winpeas.bat are working for me, but running them not… that part didn’t give me any clue… So i decided to see if anyone had the same issues. While reading the posts before me I started thinking that I got another user account then others… especially because I saw something about checking privileges, policies and a certain hint about “Windows I*******r is not correctly installed.”…

So I am thinking I walked another path and I am stuck… Can anyone help me back on track again…

Type your comment> @eMVee said:

Okay, it just happened, I made a decision to ask some help on this box… I got the user flag as user… Now I need to do some privilege escalation. Windows boxes are not my thing (yet). That’s why I want to do this one.

Manual enumeration works well here. If you look at the hacktricks website, the steps you need are in there.

Once you find the exploitable setting, the hints might make more sense to you. Then it’s a fairly easy exploit.

Type your comment> @TazWake said:

Type your comment> @eMVee said:

Okay, it just happened, I made a decision to ask some help on this box… I got the user flag as user… Now I need to do some privilege escalation. Windows boxes are not my thing (yet). That’s why I want to do this one.

Manual enumeration works well here. If you look at the hacktricks website, the steps you need are in there.

Once you find the exploitable setting, the hints might make more sense to you. Then it’s a fairly easy exploit.

Okay, i’ve the root flag… but I used a framework which automate a lot of things and that’s nice. However I want to do it manual as well… One of the options manual I tried, but is didn’t work. Probably my windows skills which sucks… can I DM you about this?

ugh…feels like I should have got user earlier…comment by @anir08 set me on the right path…completely forgot about the configuration part. Also spend too much time on the ***i path but the link in that post got to where I could use what I knew. Make sure to take notes on all the machines you do…chances are you’ve already used this trick.

On to admin access…hit me up if you need a nudge.


update: got system…lots of good hints in the forum…thanks! Fun box!

Hi. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I have the user. I’m pretty sure I’ve found the way to privesc. My shell is very unstable and I cannot use the r###s /u###: command to execute anything. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

Edit: I have a stable shell and I am a part of the “in” group, but still can’t access the flag.

EDIT: Nevermind. Tried harder and got it.

@eMVee said:

can I DM you about this?


I just got user but it doesn’t feel satisfying when I don’t have a full understanding of why it worked. If someone has a chance to DM me and explain why 3 out of 4 shells (all using the same language) didn’t work but the 4th one did it would be much appreciated. I almost gave up on that route because I thought it wasn’t viable.

Been struggling on getting a foothold for a couple of days now. I found the secret area that everyone has been talking about by observing my map. I found a thing, that just echos back what you throw at it. However I don’t know what to specifically throw at it to make it echo back what i want to know.

Honestly a DM in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

Hi I don’t usually come over to the forums asking for help but I am completely stuck trying to find initial foothold I’ve found the service everyone is talking about via the nmap output I’ve tried enumerating the directories/files but most are forbidden. I also enumerated the ad**n directory using gob*r and I managed to read a file that showed a ver ID but I have nothing else and I’m completely stumped. If anybody has any good resources to read up on that will help me get through this blockage it would be much appreciated.

No worries I got some help from the discord I can’t believe that I was so close but forgot to use something from my n**p

I found the box very finicky, so if what you think you are doing should work for root and it’s not, try a reboot, as after wasting a bunch of time, what I was doing worked the very first time after rebooting.

heh, I hesitate to mention this because I don’t want to lead anyone down a gopher hole, but I got user by changing stored info because I completely missed the easier intended method.

Spent the whole night trying to get into it. Here are the hints

User: If you’re like me and looking into various services or injections, that’s not the way to go (or maybe it is an unintended way who knows). Scan thoroughly, go through the results with a fine comb, maybe even adjust the normal flags you’d use in your standard nmap scans.

Root: If you’re using our pride and join, metasploit, it’s pretty easy to do, you just gotta ELEVATE the privileges.

Fun box, loved it. If anyone is stuck please ping me, will reply in a few hours, have to go to sleep right now

Fun box.

User: Use all you have in scans.

Root: With metasploit is very easy to exploit, enumeration key, as always

For any nudges DM.

That was so nice after a long break from HTB! Easy and fun box, but it’s easy to get stuck on some rabbit holes. Feel free to send me a DM if you need a nudge

Nice box! Learned a few things and got a lot better at using different tools.


Do not get stuck in the rabbit hole that I did on the web piece. Return to your nmap scan and keep things simple. Make a simple config tweak and observe the new avenue you have opened! From here, enumerate until you find a way in. Found a new piece of functionality that you do not know how to leverage? Maybe it can be used differently from how you're thinking about it.


Fairly simple once you find a way in. Basic reverse shell work.


Far easier than user. My difficulty was in achieving a stable shell and finding a good way to read the output of the tool I used. This tool is extremely commonplace for Windows privilege escalation; you will know what it is. Simply read the output carefully and Google for an article that demonstrates how to use the exploit; it is very straightforward and takes little time at all to execute.

Please feel free to DM me for hints!

The administrator is much easier than the user, even without any tools.

I got some hint on the user, and I’d like to know why? what’s in the scan tells you how to do what you should do on the initial foothold. Anyone to explain? (DM please to avoid any spoilers)

Rooted, I really enjoyed this Easy box.

For foothold, if you know of this type of vulnerability you may have an easier time; if not, it’s a good learning opportunity and an opportunity to test creativeness. Shout out to for the assist :wink: