Official discussion thread for Like a Glove. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.
Hey guys. Im not an AI guy. Can anyone tell me what to do?
No real instructions on how to assemble the flag though
Look into word embeddings and how they create relationships between words
Hello, can you please help me a little bit with this challenge?
Hiya, folks!! I’ve written about 16 python scripts to manipulate the data of the Chal.txt document and have assembled the first half of the flag, but I can’t seem to get the whole thing to be produced! Anyone here have more luck? I’m super interested to know how this thing works! Thanks!
I would debug it, if it’s working for the first part - for 40~ lines so it might be an iteration issue… something is stopin the calculation
Can someone give me a hint? I think I have it mostly figured out but the script I have is outputting too many characters for the flag.
U should have 15 words in total
I think I have revised my python scripts a few dozen times already. Did you make any progress? Any hints that worked for you?
can anyone help me I belive I have the flag just a few missing bits
yeah i agree with you