Official Format Discussion

stuck at the same spot…

Thats what I am trying to figure out. I’ve spent 2 days on trying to get pro… sad.

If anyone needs a nudge feel free to DM me

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You’re on the right track.

Wow rooted after almost 5 days! thank you everyone for all the help, especially Adrigm2608, QuantumFrenzy, and of course Paradise_R, who is such a rock star. DM me if you need a nudge

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Also just rooted the box, this was a very cool experience.
My small hint: You have to interact with the local DB during each step (Foothold, User, Root).


almost 2 days stuck on foothold, can i just dm someone on discord ? Kevin Nguyen#4909

Can some one help me, please ?

I am stuck in lfi

Dm me or add me on Discord Th3kn1ght#4799

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Can someone help me with the root part?


can someone give me a hint on how to read files? I just found a way to write them.

Are you sure it’s not both?


Well, for sure this machine presents some challenges beyond my knowledge. (I’m a beginner).
Despite that, and having some idea that the source code can lead us to a vulnerability to allow get “pro=true”, and then explore the (image) upload capability, I really lack of good knowledge on how this R***s db works, and how its related with HTTP post/get .sock “magic” happening here.
Could some grateful soul lead me to a concise source of knowledge to grasp how this communication via HTTP occurs?
At least I could learn and acquire a better basis for this. I am not really motivated to get user at this point :sweat_smile:
Thanks in advance

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hello there :v:
i’m also quite new and stuck at the exact same point :sweat_smile:
anyways, my guess would be to establish the connection via r****-cli and find a way to set some things :interrobang: i hope i’m on the right track with this, as i’m struggling rn with the syntax. it nonstop throws Protocol error, got “H” as reply type byte :laughing:

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I’ve been stuck here for five days. With a lot of help from @otter and others I’m finally able to understand how and why things are happening. Working on this box has increased my ability to look at source code tremendously. Unfortunately I too, am stuck at getting pro. I have the idea and knowledge of how to do it, but I just can’t get the syntax right. Good luck on the box. Making sure I take notes for my own personal write up on this one. Box should be labeled as hard in my opinion. Not beginner friendly that’s for sure.

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Just to tell, posts get removed if they are giving too much hints. Obviously we had too much info here already. So if you read all the posts, you get exactly that much help we are allowed to give. The best advice is always something like that: Get everything you can find around the services you are working on and understand exactly what they do. Services have two sides, build your own setup, debug and see how it works.

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This was my first attempt at a medium box. I have to say this box is amazing once you finished it and greatly frustrating while at it. I spent a good 10 hours on this box, almost 9 of them for the foothold.

please help me
need hint for privesec i got shell as www-data

what do you need

Box name