Official Digital Safety Annex Discussion

Official discussion thread for Digital Safety Annex. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.

I think this problem shouldn’t be existed. Very poor quality

the concept itself is very interesting(I succeeded the breaking encrypting part)… but the encompassing things are just poor

u are able to do it ? any hint

Can some give me small hint for.

Please enter the username who stored the message : ElGamalSux

Please enter the message’s request id:

Please enter the message’s nonce value :

[+] Please enter the private key:

How can we find these?

you can download the file. the source code has the admin password, etc. i haven’t solved it yet- how do you connect to the challenge server?

i found a write-up from babafaba that works nicely as a tutorial- app_hackthebox_com challenges Not%20that%20random walkthroughs
(i’m still working on this challenge)

nonce = k; private key = x; there’s enough info to calculate these values. what makes it hard is that they are randomly chosen each time is run.

k=random.randint(k_min, k_max) & x=random.randint(1, q-1) where q is an extremely large number but is a public parameter.

i haven’t solved this yet, i can’t seem to get k & x to converge on useful values.

Feel free to dm me for any doubts. It was quite hard for me