Official Blurry Discussion

Finally! Root definitely took a bit getting the right recipe to circumvent the protections :frowning_with_open_mouth: Overall an awesome box though thatā€™s made me realise I need to dig more into ML and its tooling

Thanks to @Zuzumebachi for the foothold hint :raised_hands:

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Donā€™t be like me, make sure you read your config files :slight_smile:

If you ovverwrite an important file, please put it back to the way it was when you are done, thank you.

Anyone else facing this weird bug when creating the credentials? it does a request to http://a**.blurry.htb/api/v2.27/users.set_preferences when i click on ā€œcreate credentialsā€ and it returns a ā€œ400 Bad requestā€ , it worked for once and does not work for the next day, even after multiple resets!

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How did you solve this? I have trying to solve this for the past few hours, the website doesnt return credentials, (a /api/v2.27/users.set_preferences endpoint returns 400 bad request)

Can you kindly help with tips for root?

What do you mean? NOT FOUND error? Where did you see this? How did you execute it for that result?

The review task would pick up the task I initialised, but it just couldnā€™t find the artifact I uploaded (despite it uploading successfully and me being able to download it from the portal). It eventually worked after I got rid of the ā€œ:80ā€ off the back of the URLs in my CML config file.

The config file that was saved to /root/*.cfg?


My god I struggled with that one but it was so much fun.
Massive shout outs to @netika @SouLXIX @cyberafro for the great hints!
Please feel free to DM me if you need a nudge :slight_smile:

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Yes. It seems like it has something session management function. So I just tried logout when it happens.

Why does this machine route to the Mailing machine? I am confused.
Iā€™m in SG Free 1.

Editorial was much harderā€¦

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Rooted! That was very interesting and a little easy.

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Hello all

hum I try somethings
I think a should have a conf for API request

but nothing appears :confused:

EDIT Ok with other browser

Trying to get clearml but i get error when running clearml-initā€¦ anyone else that had that problem?
(Iā€™m literally just following their ā€œgetting startedā€ step by step so Iā€™m thinking itā€™s weird to get an error in the clearml installation code?

Neat. If you have questions or need a nudge, feel free to DM me.

add necessary hosts in your /etc/hosts

How would u overwrite that file ? i cant edit that ??

trying to get root

found the method on how to get root, but after trying and trying a specific file type with a specific library, Iā€™m getting error messages

I also googled and found a specific writeup that did have a PoC and I tried using that and it also didnā€™t work for me.

Iā€™m stuck and would like a nudge. Thank you.