Official Blurry Discussion

Interesting machine, for tips I’d say:

User - you’ll find a good blogpost, it will reveal what you have to do, but won’t tell you exactly how to do it. Keep it simple and read documentation + the code so you know what you need to send for it to be executed.
Privesc - The path is as straightforward as it gets, after analyzing it you can then search for how this type of vulnerability was exploited in the past.

Some trial and error was necessary when writing the exploit for both parts, be persistent and don’t overcomplicate things.


same thing here. Idk what im doing wrong

Same thing here :cry:

Was looking in all directions while It was just in front of me.

Thanx, @TheKeen


Man, this was a good box. I haven’t really heard of ClearML prior to this so It was nice to learn something new. DM for a nudge :point_right:

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ROOTED!!! Shoutout to @netika for their huge help in not just getting me to compromising User, but how it worked, and why. That was invaluable in getting root. As always, DMs welcomed for nudges, just include what you’ve found so far, what you’ve tried, and where you’re stuck.


Can u shoot me a dm for root? thanks

If you’re talking about the foothold, it’s a client-side exploit. Look for other web services on the machine and you will eventually find some information about a server script that regularly runs tasks meeting certain criteria

Finally rooted yesterday, after two particular individual were really nice and providing hints, whilst not giving spoilers :smiley:

Hello, thanks for recognizing me brother!

I’m stuck on getting foothold,
From what I have been looking at since yesterday!, clearml has vector attack where we can replace a file content from on the file server to get REC. I have tried chatgpt to create a script to replace content from json file within python script to get RCE. But it fails to connect to clearml even tho I used the access and secret keys
Any tips to move on would be appreciate it!

Hello everyone I have pwned the machine but I have question where do I ask it ?

Have you tried the procedure in just like it was in the website?
That should help you get the script to work, after, just go by some tweak here and there.

And go by the hints of @TheKeen and @0xalam
I had tried not using ChatGPT but in the end, had to use it to resolve some issues that were happening to my artifact.

Anyone care to DM me their foothold script. I already pwned user but forgot to save my notes lol.

i tried recreating what i done but its not working or my reverse shell isnt correct. The artifcat loads but nothing happens. could be my revshell

Anyone else having issues with the clearml server going down every now and then?

Bro, I was able to upload file to artifact but when I visited the link it download the file not executeing what is on the file I uploaded which is a RCE code !

I got stuck on the privesc for a while… I thought it was required credentials to run the sudo… I didn’t know that the sudo allowed command could be used with masks… (wildcard). I thought the binary was all that mattered… I learned the hard way… but this was an awesome machine… I really enjoyed it…

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Hey man, well I have a question and it is that I found a service in a subdomain and I am trying to exploit it with NoSQL Injection, but it doesn’t let me install the tool or I don’t know what CVE can be used, any clue or something please hehe

A couple of people have been coming to me asking with pretty much some of the errors I was committing, so I’ll try to set up some hints:

  • Someone said “code analysis” and the box is pretty much about this
  • The attack path mentioned in the article is that you have to upload a malicious artifact, that upon another user utilizing the “get” method deserializes your artifact executing your malicious code.
  • There is a project with a script running every couple of minutes. Try to see if you can use it in your advantage. Again, “code analysis”.
  • After uploading your artifact, check on the console what error the script will throw and adjust your payload as expected.

  • Not all scripts expect a pickle file.


How did you fix the “not a dictionary” error?