Official Backfire Discussion


nah it was all good

Finally pwned it! I finally understand why this box was given a medium rating instead of hard.

If anybody needs nudges, please DM me. Always happy to help.

Whew that was rough - rooted!

For some reason my revshell keeps disconnecting, any idea why?

can you help me ā€¦ my port forwarding is not working

Yep, thereā€™s a reset script running. When you get a shell, you need to take pretty quick action, get an ssh shell and you wonā€™t get disconnected.

Rooted :slight_smile:
Nice Box


Pretty frustrating that someone was reseting the machine every 5-10 minutes and I had to start over from the beginning.

Finally pwned Backfire! :tada::computer: Couldnā€™t get it before it expired from season, but I came back and got it done. :muscle: If anyone needs help, feel free to reach out!

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Same here ! ssh -L PORT:localhost:PORT but nothing


Iā€™m stuck on root privescā€¦ any help in dm?