Official Backfire Discussion

Official discussion thread for Backfire. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.

Best of luck to everyone participating! I have a feeling this one is gonna be unique, hope my intuition is right!


It is right I guess)

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Well, here goes another deep research box. sigh I don’t know why I do this to myself.


I feel you. same here. websocket is a pain


This box is gonna be a whole research project. Huge skill issue on my part, will look forward to trying to overcome that. It is unique though, props to the box creators.


I’m in over my head, I can’t get the PoC to work.

Got the PoC to work by using the pwnbox, still have no idea of what to do with it.

I’m in the same boat.

I think me to. Do you mean the SSRF Poc

Same here and now onto reaching the docs lol

Yes. All the goodies are easy to find, it’s understanding how to use them effectively that’s not easy.

You had the problem with the module named: Crypto. And you switch to the pwnbox, because of that?

Creds won’t get you connected to the server.


Ho do you guys connect to Havoc (if you do)? Isn’t it only open internally?

Port forwarding of some sort? I haven’t figured it out yet, but you might find the video on the PoC page more useful than I did.

Guys. Do not remove the crypto python library, as it will remove a lot of packages. :cry:

if you are trying to do this in kali then the best way is to use a virtual environment and install pycryptodom with pip.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
virtualenv --python python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install pycryptodom

then when you are done you can just deactivate the environment with the command:

then you can delete the directory if you like


Very useful, thank you!