Hi there!
I’m new to hackthebox, and I am following guides on how to pwn some of the easier, retired boxes on my pro account.
However, when i get to exploiting the boxes, none of the msfconsole exploits will successfully run.
For instance, when attempting to use the simple vsftpd 2.3.4 exploit by rapid7 (on boxes with the vulnerability), which normally runs without issue on my local boxes, it fails every time on hackthebox.
Same with EternalBlue on the Blue machine.
I will continue to try different exploits, but this is really throwing me off because i cannot follow most guides.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi there,
I had the exact same issue as yourself.
After asking the same question and getting some helpful responses I managed to eventually get into a machine.
Some of the exploits may be outdated and patched.
Also check that the payload you have is correct in the msfconsole.
You can access this after choosing the exploit by typing ‘show payloads’ and then ‘set payload’
make sure the LHOST is your HTB IP address and not your own machines.
Give this a try and let me know if you are successful ! If not I can try and help by doing some research.