*** Machine Funnel - Christine does not get sudo privileges ***

Hello Guys!

First time posting as I am going through the starting point.

I am working on the machine Funnel.

I have access to the FTP and managed to create a SSH tunnel with Christine.

My next step is to install PSQL to access the database.

However, Christine does not have sudo.

How would you go to resolve the issue as the tunneling was in the first place to avoid the sudo blockage?




Hi Yan, I have the same issue. I think is a bug in the machine. The only think we can do is reporting it to the support… I’m searching if there is any kind of action we can do it to avoid this

Hi. Because you are using local port forwarding you are able to use the psql that is installed on your local machine, there is no need to install it on the target box.


but we are SSH into Christine on our local. Still get the same message.