Looking for new people to join our community

We still welcome people as long they want to share and learn :slight_smile: we also have website, store, reddit and google drive.

Feel free to pm me if you are interested or contact me on telegram!

Is there an updated Discord Invite?

we are still recruiting new people, coming close to 100 members now and 100 will be the max. for more information check https://mystiko.sh or our own reddit page. If you want to join then add me on telegram or discord (same name as here).

Hi all, i’m intrested in joining the group, just new to the industry and studying online and at uni

discord invite says invalid :frowning:

community of hypocrit, and share creds for active machine…

Hi am I still in time to join? I’m travelling India at the moment and my WiFi is a bit rubbish, so can’t download telegram and the discord invite seems to be expired!