so I run the nmap and get the whole bunch of info from there and after that I find the correct exploit MS08-067. TO be sure I set up RHOSTS , target and payload.
[] Started reverse TCP handler on
[] - Automatically detecting the target…
[] - Fingerprint: Windows XP - Service Pack 3 - lang:English
[] - Selected Target: Windows XP SP3 English (AlwaysOn NX)
[] - Attempting to trigger the vulnerability…
[] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
any idea why the session is not created as it should ?
■■■ u are correct, It is showing So I should change LHOST to right ?
Nice one.
When you are checking your IP, you might have looked at the wrong interface (its normally something like Tun0 but it can vary if you have other VPNs or anything running).
I found the best way to configure your metasploit LHOST to tun0 instead of using IP addresses.
That way you are guaranteed to always get the tun0 address (a lot of automation scripts works like that too) (i.e sniper)