Injector Add-on

This is a shameless plug, sorry!

I have recently developed a Firefox add-on tool (similar to hackbar), with some slightly different features, you can:

Intercept your target web request.
Select your injection point (e.g. URL, POST data or HTTP header).
Upload your injection list (e.g. SQLi, XSS, LFI/RFI, RCE, Shell-shock).
Define any pre-injection strings such as listening IP and listening port.
Replay the requests and observe the results in the browser.

I find it useful, give a go.

looks good :slight_smile:

Thank you, if there is enough interest/use I will continue to improve it.

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love the concept and the features hope it gets implemented on pentest distros.

Looks nice, good job

Very kind words, thank you. If you would like to see any additional features please let me know. :wink:

There was a few little bugs so I’ve updated the add-on, and there’s a few new features. Thanks.

Thanks Info Sir

TBH there hasn’t been a great deal of interest in the add-on. It’s likely that I won’t maintain it in the future as the support site costs money - unless I can use the site for something else.