I need help!! if anyone has solved the 3rd question on the Active Subdomain Enumeration section of this module please help I have been trying and can’t get it.
The question is:
Find and submit the contents of the TXT record as the answer.
The domain is “inlanefreight.htb”, the nameserver has been found, and it has a randomly generated IP address so I am assuming It needs to be treated as a Vhost. So Before anyone asks, Yes I have put the two in the /etc/hosts file together with the IP address and to no avail. What do I do next I have tried multiple commands and nothing I am completely stuck?
Well I will try to help u guys!
1: First you do the testing for ANY and AXFR Zone Transfer with nslookup -type=any -query=AXFR XXXX XXXX
2: In the output of the nslookup, can see some “Names” with an “Address” If you ask they, you will get the flag