HELP NEEDED -- Information gathering- Web Edition- Subdomain Bruteforcing

Hello friends i stuck on the question “Using the known subdomains for (www, ns1, ns2, ns3, blog, support, customer), find any missing subdomains by brute-forcing possible domain names. Provide your answer with the complete subdomain, e.g.,”
I launch the dns enum but nothing can see about subdomain except ns1,ns2,ns3,support,my,blog,customer. Need help !

when asking for technological support it is crucial to append:

  1. Full command you used
  2. Output of that command

There are many ways to do everything and it is helpful to know your(!) approach to the topic.

I tried both of these:

dnsenum --enum -f /usr/share/wordlist/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt --threads 90
dnsenum --enum -f /usr/share/wordlist/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt --threads 90

It only finds ns1, ns2, ns3, www, support, blog, customer, and my. I tried using dnsenum and gobuster with a variety of different options. I also tried some base options with amass, dnsrecon, fierce and assetfinder but didn’t go in depth on the optional parameters.

Any ideas?