I really hated the last 2 questions on this. Made me waste hours of my time just because the question was so poorly phrased.
"After crawling the inlanefreight.htb domain on the target system, what is the email address you have found? Respond with the full email, e.g., mail@inlanefreight.htb. "
I’m sorry, but the answer wasn’t on the EFFING DOMAIN THEY SAID IT WAS. It was on a subdomain. If they hadn’t said that I wouldn’t have spent hours think that I was the effing problem because I didn’t know how to use Recon Spider with vHosts.
“What is the API key the inlanefreight.htb developers will be changing too?”
This as well. Exact same issue.
Once I found out that it was on a 3rd subdomain I had zero issues and solved it in less than 5 minutes.
I’m honestly so upset by this that I’m starting to think that maybe I’m not cut out for this field. I’m 27 and have been focusing on becoming a Pen-Tester for about a year now. I see so many people in this field doing so much more than me and at a younger age too. This course has been making me depressed because of stupid nuances like this. I thought I knew computers. Guess not…
I understand your frustation but what you have learned here is that you need to understand the full picture and by spending the time you have (as you said hours) on this question you will in future enerurate the ENTIRE domain next time rather than the one put in front of you.
Yes it can be annoying and yes It is lame sometimes the way things are phrased but by design you have learned something new now.
Also don’t compare your journey to others as comparison is the thief of joy.
Totally agree. I did not know there there could be subsubdomains. I did not even thought in that directions. It should be a hint about this or special page in the module. How can you guess if do not have a notion?
For real lol, it was only because of the language they chose which had me confused. They said domain so I searched the domain. If they had said subdomain I would have found it in 5 seconds ■■■■■