Here's a script designed for helping HTB noobs

Hello HTB friends!! I designed a script / framework to organize all of my notes from machines as well as cheat sheets for enumeration and things like reverse shells. It also has a quick connect feature for the HTB VPN that will confirm from the terminal when you are connected by displaying your tun0 IP address with a connected message. It is incredibly easy to customize for your own use and taste and I’d love to see it get built up with the help of others.
Heres a link to the github repo…
GitHub - B4MNsec/HTBhelper: An organized framework built with bash designed for the Hack The Box platform.

if youre super new you can download it by typing the following command in your terminal;
sudo git clone GitHub - B4MNsec/HTBhelper: An organized framework built with bash designed for the Hack The Box platform.

But I would recommend checking out the github page first so that you have a basic idea of where to clone the repository. Any feedback is appreciated. I am still relatively new at writing my own scripts and have been trying to become more fluent after finally reaching Pro-Hacker.


Very nice my Friend! Very nice indeed. This is why I love our community, everyone is so helpful and considerate of those that are learning. :smiley:

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Very good.

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