Hi, could someone give me a hand for this web challenge please?
Gobuster will help you, when you find the file you should look for the parameter.
A third party tool on GitHub helped me in the second part
wfuzz with a big wordlist. Remember to try different extensions too!
Mhhh, I tried but just only for directory searching… cool thanks! @samsepi0l & @will135
So the whole challenge is looking for the good wordlists ?
I tried with the wordlists which ippsec always use , but could find just only 3 directories, nothing more…
Yes I found the interesting file, but can’t find the parameter. Tried some wordlists…
there are tons of wordlists
How do you find the param?
I found the folders, and the file. Trying to fuzz the parameter…
That’s where I am stuck
@Crafty said:
So the whole challenge is looking for the good wordlists ?
Basically that’s it. But the name of the challenge narrows down a little which wordlists are possible candidates. At least that’s how I saw it.
Found the parameter… Now hunting for valid values
hmmm not sure what to do with the file now that I have found it…
I finaly flagged it !
It was a nice training for wfuzz after all :).
All you have to do is to find the good wordlists and fuzz multiple time.
am I on the right track by looking at something the has not been set?
Yes, wfuzz it!
Just completed it.
Happy to assist if needed.
Yep, I’m done too!!!