Friendzone - HackTheBox

Enumeration is key for the initial work. Do it thoroughly on the two popular ports.
Also, I believe there are several domains. Once you found popular DNS misconfiguration make sure to query for all of them. This took me a while to find out why I wasn’t getting closer. Once you found the entrance point and necessary information, it will be pretty much instructed to get a user shell.

I was shooting my head once I figured out what I was doing wrong. As many ppl said, pspy will help you what is going on. And carefully read the found script and do some google search. And now it would be matter of how familiar you are with the famous snake. :slight_smile:

PM me for any help!

Finally got around to finishing this one off. Thanks to Kwicster and ghost0437 for pointers. I was pretty close, just needed a push. Little google and a few different ways, got me the shell. Learned something new.

Hi guys,
For the user part : Found the p** source codes from lfi but still cant find the files im uploading…
Used tools to every subdomains to find a secret directory or smthing like that…
Any hint pls ? Can someone DM pls ? Rly want to pown this box :bleep_bloop:

EDIT : User owned and Rooted ! Thanks to @ghost0437 for the help with the right path with the rce

Recently started my journey in CTF type of challenges and learning the ropes. For this box I ran enum for days now and I believe I came up a little short.

To start: I have all sub-domains and ran endless fuzzing on each one (including fuzzing the for images based on the shorten structure the app uses). Found both ‘admin’ pages, and was able to access using some creds file. I have also found a hidden path via comments to a page that gives me a random string. Based on the comments here it sounds like there are two file upload locations but I found only one location for files uploads. Last, trying to find a good resource for testing LFI but I feel that I am sill missing something.

Still haven’t found the Brazilian dance, could that be what is missing for me to get the t*******p LFI trick?
Would love some pointers to a good resource to better understand what I am missing here.


i enumerated S** and D** and i am at the point of the not developed ad*** page. I have no clue where to go from here, please give me a pointer

I found what i was looking for i just didnt enumerate enough…try harder

i have found all of the domains and the cred info but cant find the notorious ha ha page, can someone please give me a pointer to get to that page.

I found what i was looking for i just didnt enumerate enough…try harder

Help to get the right LFI path.
Some one please can message me the mwthode.
Am looking at the sim

I would be very thankful if someone can explain me why can’t the first user escalate to root directly through the hole found? I spent almost half a day trying to get result while reading positive pspy reports. There I could see how my commands are fired from time-to-time in a random order under UID=0, but I have no result unless I got another user and the same commands gave results immediately.

Can someone help me in the HAHA page?

I stuck in HA HA page

For privesc to root,

I found one py file which stands out during enumeration with bad permissions, but no clue on how to use it.

Can someone help with how to use it?

Edit: Rooted.

any hint for haha page i am stuck in LFI
i know where stored this shell in /e**/F****
but i dont understand what you do

I have to admit, i’m completely lost at this moment. I think i have found subdomains, paths in Brazilian but i have no idea what’s next. Could someone help me with this?

Get the Cred Done
W/R Done
ZT an Sub Done
Stuck in Jackson and not developed / LFI :frowning:

Edit : Got User

not sure what I am looking at or for on my initial scan of this box. I have tried various things looking for a way in, but nothing. I have read through these comments and found some things but no way into the box. I am terrible at deciphering the cryptic hints. Any help?

any Hint about ti******p in HAHA Page
(LFI or >> RCE )

Edit : Got User

I’m struggling with Priv Esc part. I know what to do but it’s not working. Need some nudge.

edit: nvm. got root

I am stuck to get root, any help?

can someone help me with what to do after dns enum?

Can someone give a hint to the LFI? im at Haha and have been trying to use the includes to call on the shared file for RCE, but im getting incredibly stuck and my research is leading me down rabbit holes