I just solved it, thanks for the hints
I am stuck here. I have tried the snmpwalk command. i cant find see the script
Still need help with these Q… what kind of script are we looking for anyway?
I have already tried
snmpwalk -v2c -c public | grep -v “_all” | grep -v "_amd64
but I do not know how this scirpt should look like.
nevermind … I solved it… “costum script” … what a hidden beyond confusing hint
Found it too, But, Couldn’t see the content {Used Different protocol in the end and succeeded…}, The question Is there a way to see the output of the “custom script” using SNMP ?
All you have to do is wait
just you need to run snmpwalk and watch out the output for some time and you will find it
Just try snmpwalk command and wait until you get all the info from the target.
If you get no response or timeout before getting all the results use the below command and wait for all the results.
snmpwalk -v -c -r 2 -t 5
Simply try this and wait:
snmpwalk -v2c -c public | grep -v “INTEGER|Gauge32|IpAddress|Timeticks|Counter32|OID|Hex-STRING|Counter64”
It took me much too long to find this…
once you’ve found the name of the script I connected to the host and ran it from there, hope that’s helpful
Tip - Just wait and watch.
or if you are an impatience nerd then save the result in a txt file and grab a coffee and the grep.
I found it very misleading.
Just run
snmpwalk -v1 -c public <target ip address> > snmp-output.txt
This first command will save all the output in a file named snmp-output.txt
Then use grep to find the flag:
grep HTB snmp-output.txt
I tried many time snmpwalk -v2c -c public
but always time out even I adding -t1000 -r100
I just changed my open vpn file and it works without time out.
Im still stuck here. I tried snmpwalk, snmp-check and they generate a lot of results. I tried lots of them but none of them are the correct answer. What am I missing??
This is exactly the nudge I needed, just wanted to thank you for the helpful, spoiler-free hint~
No need to log into the machine, just snmpwalk and grep will do the job.