Footprinting Lab - Medium

Hello Everyone!

I am trying to get through this lab, and I’m having trouble. I can successfully run an NMAP scan, and identify a mountable share via port 2049 called /TechSupport. For the life of me, i can not figure out how to mount this. I am running the following:

mount -t nfs ./target-NFS/ -o nolock

I created the DIR target-NFS. Iv tried typing this multiple different ways, but the "NFS cheat sheet says to type it this way from how i have interpreted it. Iv been stuck on this for about 3 days now, really discouraged i cant figure this out. I have tried this on my own VM and on HTB provided VM, and continue to fail. please help. Anyone :cry:

Try the following:

# you have already done this
$ mkdir target-NFS

# there is only one share available (/TechSupport)
$ sudo mount -t nfs [IP]:/ ./target-NFS -o nolock

# change directory to the one you have created
$ cd target-NFS

# list contents
$ ls -la
total 68
drwx------ 2 4294967294 4294967294 65536 Nov 11  2021 TechSupport

Thank you!!! I had to install an update for the mount command to work. But i got it! So excited to move on :smiley: Tytyty

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