Hello. I 'm on this lab and i’m trying to access a share called /techsupport. I just don’t know what command i need to access it. Any help is appreciated
Hey there!
Where is the share exposed, which service are you trying to access? Something like FTP
… that could help you find the correct tool to use
A lot of tools start with the name of the service they use like “smbsomething”
Hope it helps!
Hey Spiral, i am in the same boat, and thank you for that hint but I’m still lost in the sauce. I do not see any tool for NFS.
I have discovered the /TechSupport via the nmap scan. For the life of me, i can not figure out how to mount this. I am running the following:
mount -t nfs ./target-NFS/ -o nolock
I created the DIR target-NFS. Iv tried typing this multiple different ways, but the "NFS cheat sheet says to type it this way from how i have interpreted it. Iv been stuck on this for about 3 days now, really discouraged i cant figure this out. I have tried this on my own VM and on HTB provided VM, and continue to fail. please help. Anyone
Hey @dadbod!
To mount NFS keep in mind that you need to install the specific package for that
sudo apt install nfs-common