Let’s start a discussion about this machine, i have the only page found in the comment working i think in the right way, no idea on how to go on, i have enumerated it a lot and scanned the service in multiple ways
I think we really shouldn’t start a discussion here yet… The machine is rather new… Spend some time on it. It’s not going anywhere.
i know, at the time i’m writing, only 7 owns, just wanted to start a discussion.
Why start a discussion on the forum on a box that’s been out for barely 24 hours?! Go do some manual work on it. Try some things. 24 hours isn’t even enough to do full enumeration on some boxes. Why have a forum topic handing out spoilers on a box that only a handful of people have solved??
■■■■ like this is one of the main things really starting to annoy me about this forum… Just my 2 bits.
that box is a pain, after fulcrum, it’s pretty boring
@likwidsec said:
Why start a discussion on the forum on a box that’s been out for barely 24 hours?! Go do some manual work on it. Try some things. 24 hours isn’t even enough to do full enumeration on some boxes. Why have a forum topic handing out spoilers on a box that only a handful of people have solved??■■■■ like this is one of the main things really starting to annoy me about this forum… Just my 2 bits.
ok i didnt kill anybody, maybe it’s a useless topc, so? i even didnt spoiled a thing. ask to moderators to delete this topic if it’s so dangerous.
Never said it was “dangerous” … just saying, we’re getting VERY close to directly violating one of the main rules of HTB … The forum is turning into more of a “can’t think for myself? let me check the forum and get an answer” than a “I’d like to ask for help with this topic, or tool, or exploit, or technique that I’m having trouble with”, as I believe was originally intended…
Idk, maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m way off. Maybe I’m wrong … Just my feeling on the whole thing.
in fact i’ve waited for all the blood to be taken before posting. people are always searching for an answer in the forums, that’s what forums are for. But this is my point of view, btw this topic was not one of my best try, i apologize.
we are many to have absolutely no clue, so this thread is normal. What i found is same has haircut box. but then im stuck
I’m not seeing the initial foothold after lots of enumeration with different tools… Get the feeling it might be more of a CTF like challenge
blobbo is the best !!!
This box is a brainfuck, seriously…
@paciock said:
in fact i’ve waited for all the blood to be taken before posting. people are always searching for an answer in the forums, that’s what forums are for. But this is my point of view, btw this topic was not one of my best try, i apologize.
It doesn’t matter that all the bloods are gone - there are rules in place that explicitly say in plain English that you’re not to publicly talk about specific boxes until they are retired. That doesn’t only apply to full write-ups. It applies to spoilers in the forum as well. You may have had no intentions at all on creating a spoiler thread, but that’s what they inevitably turn into. It’s nothing personal, or anything against you specifically. Just trying to have some amount of respect for the rules the admins have put in place.
I think if the admins deem it too spoilery they’ll delete it as they’ve done in the past
Yep. We try to filter out spoilers. However, its best not to make them in the first place. Takes up time cleaning the forums which could be spent elsewhere
I am stuck… Can anybody DM me little hint with first step ? ) I think I miss somethings in enum ((( I have allready check few medium dictionary with different extension… (
I executed a lot of tools and stuff but still with no idea what can be done after***
someone can help me please?
@rupeca said:
I executed a lot of tools and stuff but still with no idea what can be done after***someone can help me please?
Fuzz around. Make it all fuzzy
@wirehack7 said:
@rupeca said:
I executed a lot of tools and stuff but still with no idea what can be done after***someone can help me please?
Fuzz around. Make it all fuzzy
Best answer ever.