Find The Secret Flag

please help i did many things on this sand also i got many secret keys and tried to get the challenge creators from the key please any suggestion :frowning:

Are you sure you really read all code? Maybe you should try to disassemble the entire file and review the assembler code in nano?


Anyone can help on this, I think that I have found the name of the creator but I have weird characters between the two names and at the end of the string.

I cannot figure out from where these characters are coming from. I don’t want to spoil so if more info are needed, just send me a PM.

Many thanks

Not sure what you guys are talking about after doing a step it just exits with status 1 instead of 0

I am also stuck at this challenge.

@3XPL017 said:
Not sure what you guys are talking about after doing a step it just exits with status 1 instead of 0

I got past that point, I got to “Are you sure it’s the right one? …” after changing some jumps, however that leads to nowhere as I am given some random chars of output.

I also noticed that there is an atoi syscall if a number is passed as an argument, but if you don’t provide it you get directly to the file check. I think the number has to do with the decryption of the flag. However I am unable to see what number needs to be given.

I am trying with ltrace to see the syscalls and exit values and radare2. Any suggestion on how to continue or any other tool that may help?

I think that I have found the name of the creator but I have weird characters between the two names and at the end of the string.

I got the same problem. Try doing what you are doing but on the whole file.

Also stuck at this challenge, can’t find a way to pass beyond “Are you sure it’s the right one? …”. I can’t even find a reference on “–hit any key” and that other strange ASCII.

I’m also getting "Are you sure it’s the right one? ". Noticed there is a hidden function but also when I call it from somewhere I don’t get characters printed but hex (which cannot be converted to ascii). Can anyone give me a hint ?

I also can’t find a direct reference to that address and it was not also detected as function.

Anyone have any suggestions for this one? Most seem to be stuck at the same spot and have found a way to either print the “–hit any key” or “are you sure its the right one”. I can’t seem to figure out exactly what’s going on with this. I know you can change the input in a couple ways and redirect to other functions but haven’t come up with anything that produces the flag

I don’t know if this helps, but in the end I wrote a tiny Python script to help me tease the final flag out of the “right one”. The idea for the script came from analyzing the code.

I finally got it!!! I didn’t do it with a Python script though I did edit the asm code to get it done. Could have done the same thing with a script though. I think what tripped me up for so long was that I was trying to create a solution via inputs and at least for my solution I couldn’t find a way. Maybe it’s possible.

This challenge is destroying me… it’s been like 3 days of fail… lol

Anyone willing to PM me on this?? I’m completely lost at this point… found all the pseudo “keys”, IDK what else to do at this point.

Managed to get the flag and the creator but the system doesn’t accept it. Maybe there is something missing or wrong on my inputs.

@zauxzaux said:
Anyone willing to PM me on this?? I’m completely lost at this point… found all the pseudo “keys”, IDK what else to do at this point.

you should be careful, take a hexadecimal value and xor in hex edit (WinHex)

Maybe this might help somebody out, but this challenge can be done neither by changing the assembly nor by using python. It’s all in there.

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

It is only needs a small patch and a bash script :wink:

I’d argue that there’s no need for patching the binary. Just look at the right spot and maybe write a simple script :slight_smile: