
Hello guys,
Anyone online to give a hint or two on how I can make my exploit work? Tried 2 days a lot of things and I cant figure out why it’s not working =/

stuck at trying to get a reverse shell - I’m sending commands but not even receiving my ping back. any nudge will be greatly appreciated.

Is this app running inside an alpine d****r image or is just me? :smiley:

rooted! this was my first box and i’m really happy i made it to root. Don’t think i would have made it without this forum though

root@craft:~# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Ping me if you need help!

Rooted! Super fun box, it’s only missing a bit of Jian Yang :wink:

Foothold: Enumerate, look at recent changes, spot, exploit, profit.
User: You don’t need to get out of the jail per se. Just look at what you can find there.
Root: RTFM, quite literally!

Got the user going for root. Foothold took me 3 days because couldn’t get a reverse shell or the shell was killing instantly. After that everything was pretty straightforward

Rooted the machine couple of days ago, thanks to @kiaora and @OrenIshay for help me understand what I did wrong with the exploit =D
Very nice machine, had a lot of fun searching for the pieces of information needed, indeed very realistic challenge =)

so having trouble navigating to two subdirectories on this box. Not connecting to *.craft.htb. what am i missing?

im so stupid… sorry everybody for my previous comment. Im at a loss for words

I am stuck attempting to get an initial foothold. I have found the credentials, can generate a t**** successfully, have found the exploitable e*** in the code but having trouble exploiting it to get a reverse shell. Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

root@craft:~# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Root was so easy.
as i said before making initial foothold stable was the most time-consuming part for me.
the rest was so straight forward just enumeration gives you almost everything.

Feel free to pm me for any help. Just don’t expect for direct solution i will try to show you the path

Anybody free to give me some pointers? I’m at my wits end here trying to craft (no pun intended) the exploit… thanks!

Interesting machine. User was pretty cool.

PM if anyone needs some help.

Rooted. It was a really fun box. Had the most trouble on foothold and user.

root@craft:~# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

PM if you need any help.

i know the e*** is the vuln and where to insert the code but can’t get the freakin thing to work. What is wrong with syntax?!? escaped quotes with \ but no dice. what am i doing wrong

If you have issue with getting reverse shell, do not use CURL. Use Burpsuite.

I found the RCE and exploited the e*** function to send a ping back to myself, but I’m having trouble getting a reverse shell. Any tips?


@6d6a6c said:

Ah I was trying it in burp without success, but I will give that a try. Thanks man