Certified Bug Bounty Hunter Exam


I was looking at the CBBH but I could not find any information about how the exam is actually looking alike. Could anybody enlighten me about:

  • Timeframe?
  • How many machines / Apps?
  • What is the expected result? Flags as in all other academy modules or a real report? Or both?

Many thanks

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You should be able to see the exam information when you are logged into the Academy: https://academy.hackthebox.com/exams

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I was reading through all of it, but in my opinion it lacks a bit of detail, especially about the timeframe? is it a couple of hours or a day or …?

Click on Certification Steps, its on the right side. Has a lot more information about the test itself. It has a 7 day time limit.


Mea culpa! Indeed all the info is there. Thanks @onthesauce