BlackField Write-Up by Gunroot

Hello all. Blackfield is very easy among hard rated machines in HTB and also highly Educational which comes with unique AD stuff. Here is my writeup for the Blackfield machine.

Reading time: 3 mins.

Please provide your feedback whether it’s bad or good, anyway it will help me to improve myself. :wink: Thanks.

Regards, Gunroot from India. :slight_smile:

Blown away by that bloodhound-python trick :open_mouth:
Definitely learned something new, keep up the good work Gunroot, as always another good writeup! Hope I’ll be able to root these hard machines soon :slight_smile:

@PapyrusTheGuru . Thanks for your feedback. I’m appreciated. I’m glad that you enjoyed my Write-Up.

More than saying Bloodhound is a trick, we can call it as a mandatory enumeration process for AD Pentesting. It’s good to run this against AD Accounts to find more in depth with graphical representation.

Of course you can try the Blackfield box now with help of any writeups available now. :slight_smile: Hit me when you’re stuck. :slight_smile:

Type your comment> @gunroot said:

@PapyrusTheGuru . Thanks for your feedback. I’m appreciated. I’m glad that you enjoyed my Write-Up.

More than saying Bloodhound is a trick, we can call it as a mandatory enumeration process for AD Pentesting. It’s good to run this against AD Accounts to find more in depth with graphical representation.

Of course you can try the Blackfield box now with help of any writeups available now. :slight_smile: Hit me when you’re stuck. :slight_smile:

I definitely will, thank you for offering assistance :smiley:
And yeah, I definitely agree, bloodhound is definitely mandatory.

Nice write-up @gunroot! Keep up writing your write-ups, I’m learning new insights from you. Well done!

@T13nn3s thanks. I’m taking break from HTB and will write after some days. :slight_smile:
I enjoy your write-ups too… :wink: