Active any hints

Can I PM anyone regarding PrivEsc?

@nscur0 said:
User is easy, but not trivial for someone who has no initial knowledge about the exposed services. Root however… probably relatively easy too, I’m convinced it has to do with k*****os but everything I’m finding regarding this service requires code execution on that machine. Derp.

I am stuck at the exact same step and I also have the same view.

Got user, tried getting shell with w*****c and p****c but no luck. Still trying to figure out a way to pop a remote shell so I can access what I need to elevate

I am having issues with finding a certain ID to use a certain technique to get root.txt. Any tips on that?

everyone forget it, they patched ms14_068 does not work anymore link: Login :: Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs

If you used MS14-068, you are missing about 99.9% of this machine’s purpose.
So i urge you to give it another shot!
This is supposed to act as a stepping stone for Endgames and Pro Labs with Active Directory.

@rek2 said:
everyone forget it, they patched ms14_068 does not work anymore link: Login :: Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs


I found some credentials, decode it but I can’t seem to find the place to use them. Could someone give me a nudge?

tips on priv escation would be appreciated. Thanks alot

@Vex20k said:
I found some credentials, decode it but I can’t seem to find the place to use them. Could someone give me a nudge?

same boat

I’m thinking maybe you have to impersonate someone to access root.txt? Or maybe i’m missing something.

@Vex20k said:
I found some credentials, decode it but I can’t seem to find the place to use them. Could someone give me a nudge?

PM if you are still stuck

If you found the credentials but don’t know where to use them, maybe sit down and think what you’d do if you were a legit user on a Linux workstation in an AD environment and were trying to access shared resources.

Any pointers on priv escalation greatly appreciated

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

I don’t want to give spoilers, but hopefully a nudge for anyone looking for Priv Esc. Went down the same route as most but saw the announcement about the patch for that vulnerability being deployed. Went back to basics, in the end, all I needed was on the Kali distro already, there are good examples. It’s all about Getting to the Principal of the matter

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

@JunGLeJuiCe OK, got root. Typo error with good examples that i’ve already tested…

Fun box, I wonder how many people rooted it prior to the patch applied… Got to use some more new tools and learned a little more about active…

And this box is meant to be easy… :astonished: