Academy: Linux Fundamentals: sudoers index number

I hope this is the right place for this.
Currently I am in academy trying Linux Fundamentals. However I got stuck when the question asked me about the index number of /etc/sudoers. I looked at the file with “ls -i /etc/sudoers” but when I enter the returned inode I get an error. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.

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I am still trying as well. I’ve tried as htb-student, as user82209, and as root. I’ve tried all numbers that show up in the same line, but non of them worked.

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i am forced to repeat the question, i have the inode of the sudoers file but it does not work, what i am doing wrong? thanks for some hint

of course, noob, i did not connect to the ssh machine, i was looking in my own box :slight_smile:

guys i followed this path :
sudo -i
(this is for root?)


ls -all

ls -i

stat /etc/sudoers

but i found the nodes and everything , and nothing works fine :frowning:

Hi, guys!
Ok, I try that use the command ls --inode in the directory /etc and I specify the directory that i want print,

ls --inode sudoesr

the situation is that go to enter the index I copy the number, but no spaces and the plataform accept mi answer. My englis is very basic, down is the trasnlate to spanish

Hola chicos, lo que hice fue usar el comando ls -inode y dentro del directorio /etc espefique el archivo sudoers para que me imprimiera el inidice

ls --inode sudoers

La situacion es que cuando ingrese el numero a la pregunta la plataforma me la acepto, lo intenté varias veces y lo mas raro fue que copie el numero sin espacio, creo que la plataforma tiene en cuenta los espacios.

This reference helped me.

the answer is 147627 check and like it


This works. Thanks folk.