Hello, i have a new idea for a cool box, but sadly i cant submit it through the website, because of the reasons you will see.
This new box will consist of very strict firewall rules, and it will be very challenging even to get any kind of connection to the box.
Machine is basically an ethernet cable plugged in to a potato. I really think it can take the state of difficulty in htb to the next level, and reward those really persistent enough to hack it.
I thought about mailing the box, but im worried potato might go bad in the shipping process.
Also i think rooting it wil be pretty straight forward, but im not sure about how to get a user yet.
Well, we will need to google if the potato can be used as a substrate for P-N and N-P junctions. If so, maybe we can use a very thin syringe of iodine solution to etch an USB/Ethernet convertor IP in the cut of potato.
Verilog/VHDL/Leonardo Spectrum comes to mind for various design and also https://opencores.org/.
After all, the basics of potato electronics was already invented (in 18… something) and if we can have potato radio, we can have potato computer and subsequently the HTB session on a potato computer. It is just a question of miniaturisation (someone call Japan)
According to this article: 500 lb Potato Battery - Make:
and assuming a pi zero requires 5 v and 200 mA we need around 1000 sets of 10 potatoes in parallel to drive it (so 10.000 potatoes) , but its nothing compared to my design given on the concept art which requires absolutely no potatoes to power the circuit.