Could not find a topic for this so here are some hints how to solve these:
To connect the target, use some options:
xfreerdp /v: /u:htb-student /p:‘HTB_@cademy_stdnt!’ +clipboard /dynamic-resolution -cert:ignore /sec:rdp
(also you can try to use these options if needed: /tls-seclevel:0 /timeout:20000)
Server 2008:
the example is quite nice, although you may need to find another way to escalate your privileges
use post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
to find another exploit
Windows 7:
I couldn’t run the privesc ps script located in c:\tools
just attack the host using metasploit and find another exploit
eg. eternalblue
Are you able to help get a shell with meterpreter? I keep getting the following: [-] Exploit failed: Errno::EACCES Permission denied - bind(2) for 10.xx.xx.xx:445
Same here. I cant connect with metasploit like example, the msvenom to take a reverse shell doesnt work… any advice, hint or solution to get the session?
SOLVED: If you put a listener with netcat doesnt work, but with metasploit (use multi/handler) yep.