I’ve been trying to solve this for hours, doing this and that, exploring so many tools, trying so many techniques from the internet, and instantly felt like an idiot when i discovered the flag was right there in front of me the whole time
you dont even have to be a next “level” user to find the flag
i knew me spending weeks on cryptography puzzles while dealing with steg will come in handy one day… took me about 15 seconds to analyze what it could be and 1-2 minutes for the flag
a hint when doing steg, look at the picture first, don’t just assume you know what you’re looking for by throwing it in random programs until you find it. take a quick minute to see why that picture was chosen for a challenge, sometimes it gives you good hints.
Any tips on what tools to use to uncover the black space at the bottom? Sorry newbie here.
completed this challenge if need any help feel free to pm
Wasn’t expecting it to be quite that easy. PM for hints.
@elihtb said:
i knew me spending weeks on cryptography puzzles while dealing with steg will come in handy one day… took me about 15 seconds to analyze what it could be and 1-2 minutes for the flaga hint when doing steg, look at the picture first, don’t just assume you know what you’re looking for by throwing it in random programs until you find it. take a quick minute to see why that picture was chosen for a challenge, sometimes it gives you good hints.
Best hint so far! Thank you!
absolutely no clue where to start… i tried steghide and tried to catch something in the hex editor but failed… i know the hint about the film and the character is relevant but need some more hint on what to look for .
hum okay got the flag. But which movie is that -_-
can someone who solved this as it should, PM me how it should normally does? I just opened with a picture viewer and can see the flag clearly