Wi-Fi Penetration Testing Basics - Connecting to Wi-Fi Networks

Hello! I don’t exactly understand how to answer this particular section questions.

Connect to the WPA Wi-Fi network named “CyberNet-Secure” with the PSK “Password123!!!”. Once connected, locate the flag at the IP address

The others are similar, but after connecting to the afore mentioned network either using GLI or CLI, I don’t understand what or how am I suppose to use the provided IP address ‘’, I tried using airodump-ng to captures some packets and then used airdecap to decrypt it using the provided name and psk but it just gives a blank-dec.cap file.

Does anyone have any ideas what am I suppose to do or at least give me a hint. Thank you !

Once you connect to the different networks, try to scan the router, i.e., 192.168.x.1 for open ports using netcat. After that see if you can connect to them or use other tools that reliably can connect and provide information, like curl. Hope that helps.

Yeah, thanks. Had to use curl http://<ip_address> and it worked.